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What is my IP?

- Discover your Public IP Easily -

Your public IP address is:

What's an IP address?

The IP address is a unique identifier that connects you to the Internet. It works like your home address, but in the digital world, allowing websites and online services to know where to send you information. There are two main types of IP: 

  • Public IP: It is visible to any online service you use.
  • Private IP: It is used within local networks, such as your home or company.

Why is it important to know your public IP?

Knowing your public IP can be useful in many situations, such as:

  • Setting up remote connections.
  • Resolving network problems.
  • Identification of access to services restricted by region.
  • Find out if you are on a spam list.
  • Remote access to devices and servers. 

How is a public IP assigned?

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) automatically assigns you a public IP when you connect your router to the Internet. That address assigned by the company can be: 

  • Static: It is always the same.
  • Dynamic: Changes over time or when you restart your router.

Does my public IP reveal personal information?

Your public IP address does not directly expose your personal data, but it may indicate your internet provider and an approximate location.

Can my public IP change?

Modifying the public IP depends on your internet provider (ISP). You should consult with them about the procedure to change it according to your IP configuration (Dynamic/Static).

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